A dental implant is a replacement tooth root that your dentist places into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants are an ideal option for people in good general oral health who have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, injury, or some other reason. 
While high-tech in nature, dental implants are actually more tooth-saving than the traditional bridgework, since implants do not rely on neighboring teeth for support.
 Dental Implants are so natural-looking and feeling, you may forget you ever lost a tooth. Why wait any longer to regain your smile and confidence. Schedule an exam today!

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About Dental Implants

The Benefits

Dental implants are widely regarded as the best treatment for loose dentures. Permanent dental implants are designed to make dentures much more secure and enable you to smile, eat and talk confidently. We can assist you if you have been thinking about investing in implants. The implants act as a foundation for replacement teeth. They won’t decay and are designed to last for the rest of your life. Implants can be used in conjunction with various dental procedures to improve our oral health. Once they are installed, you’re much less likely to face problems with slippage and discomfort.

The Process

Once we have met for a consultation and conducted an X-ray or CT scan, we will establish where the teeth are to be placed before we surgically place the implants in your mouth. This part of the process won’t normally take more than a couple of hours and can sometimes be done in sixty minutes. The implants will need to heal and fully integrate with your bone and tissue before we can connect the permanent bridges or dentures. It will usually take between 3-6 months for the adjustment to be complete.

Who Has Them?

Those likely to benefit from dental implants include people who have been experiencing problems with conventional dentures or simply people who have lost as much as a single tooth. They make life easier for those that have been finding it difficult to chew and enjoy meals and can slow down the process of tissue and bone loss in the jaw. What’s more is that implants can even provide a more youthful appearance due to the way that they will give your facial structure a lift. Furthermore, they will help you to speak more clearly.

If you are interested in dental implants, get in touch with us today to arrange a consultation. We will speak you in depth about your dental history, your requirements and concerns and explain all your treatment options to you so can come to an informed decision. Call today to find out more about our dental implant services.


A dental implant is an artificial tooth root, typically a titanium screw, that is placed into your jaw bone to hold a replacement tooth or a bridge or denture to restore multiple missing teeth. Dental implants last longer than alternatives like bridges and dentures, and they look more natural, too.

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